Monday, 17 May 2010

MMMMMAAAADDDD Science Assembly!!!!!

Today Supersonic Scott visited us to show us some whacky and wonderful experiments. His best friend EGGbert the egg had a problem. He was seriously overweight from eating an overdose of Junk foods causing him to not be able to fit into his house. Scott then burnt the oxygen inside Eggbert's home. Using the laws of science Eggbert popped into his House. He was also a crowd pleaser using dry Ice, We thought it was really COOOOOOL!!(get it?) He made a dry ice Gas shower which he tested on his assistent, Hannah Steel.


  1. it was realy cool watching him do the ice thing by jared

  2. The assembly with 'Super Sonic Scott' was very fun. We enjoyed the part when he got the carbon dioxide ice cubes and water then got mixed together. Scott was a very exciting but a crazy scientist! It was extremely funny when he put 'Eggbert' in his mouth after it had been frazzled by the fire in his little home. He asked for volunteers and chose Hannah Steel, who is a member of year 5, and gave her a fizzy shower with the gas that was created by the ice cubes and water. It was a great experience and fab to watch! By Olivia L and Cora S.

  3. We LOVED the 'Eggbert' experiment!!! It was awesome! (But we bet super sonic Scott's mouth tasted funny when Eggbert fell into it!) From Lucy and Britt :)

  4. Mad science was great we learned how to get an egg in and out of a container with oxegn ! We also mad gas with ICE cold ice cubes and water! It was amazing!!Super Sonic Scott helped us with the experiments!It was Fabulous! By Caitlin and Sophia!

  5. "hahaaa :) " he was achually MAADD hahaa . we should have him back to do a after school club before september for us because we leave for rodillian in year 6 :( it was a fun assembly ! And we could go and sit there and watch it all over again :) !!! By Emily Gothard And Daniella Strangeway x!!!!

  6. We thought that the mad science exsperiment was
    awsome!!we thought that the eggbert exsperiment was amazing!!By Josh and Matthew!!

  7. Mad science was great but Scott was a bit crazy!!
    And he had a egg friend which he burned to get him in his house crazy!!!


  8. The mad scientist was great, Super Sonic Scott was very clever and brainy because he knew what to do and kept us safe from gettting seriously hurt or burned by the fire. We exspecially liked the bit where Eggbert, the egg, popped into his house. It was really cool! We also liked the bit where Scott got Eggbert out of his house, we thought Scott was going to swallow Eggbert,the egg! But thankfully he didn't! Eggbert lived but he was a bit crispy. Finally we liked the bit when Super Sonic Scott got a glass of warm water and put gas ice-cubes in it and it EXPLODED and fizzed up!!! It was the best fizzing volcano we had ever seen. By Amber and Emma.

  9. It was Crazy :) We enjoyed the experiments especially the one with Hannah.But our favorite was EGGbert and his '' house experiment.''

    Elly & Reigan

  10. The assembly was great however his little friend is called Eggbut not eggbert hehe good assembly

  11. Mad science was awesome. It was hosted by the superb supersonic Scott who was a bit mad and I guess thats why its called MAD SCIENCE
